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In compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals (the “Law”) and the Regulations of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals (the “Regulations”), ESTUDIO JURÍDICO BEATRIZ HERRERA, S.C., and related parties (collectively “EJBHV”), (or the “Data Controller”) with address at Andes 210 B, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, 3ra sección, C.P. 11000, Miguel Hidalgo, CDMX, is responsible for the processing of your personal data.


How to contact us:


Through our Personal Data Protection Manager.



Data Data Controller Address

Andes 210 B, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, 3ra sección, C.P. 11000, Miguel Hidalgo, CDMX.


Personal Data Protection Manager

Beatriz E. Herrera Vaca




+52 (55) 5554160186






The personal data that EJBHV collects from you will be used for different primary purposes for the marketing of real estate, which are mentioned below:


  1. To provide the services requested by you.
  2. To meet the real estate or business needs of our clients or service providers, whether:

o As a supplier or customer of a product or service.

o As a partner or shareholder of a legal entity.

o For legal consulting in general.

o As owner of a real estate property.

o For real estate consulting.

o As a real estate supplier.

  1. To know and verify your identity.
  2. Determine the feasibility of initiating a commercial relationship with our potential clients.
  3. To comply with the obligations arising from contracts between our customers and / or service providers.
  4. Promote real estate either for sale or lease, or as a commercial intermediary of such services.
  5. To provide consultancy on diverse operations in legal matters in general and in real estate matters such as sales and purchases, leases, mortgages, among others.
  6. To comply with obligations contracted between our clients and/or EJBHV.
  7. Conduct internal studies on consumer habits.
  8. To comply with applicable legislation.


EJBHV will also use the personal data collected for secondary purposes, but that allow us to provide better service:


  1. To evaluate the quality of the service provided by EJBHV.
  2. To carry out internal studies on habits and preferences.
  3. Promotional, commercial, advertising and marketing purposes.
  4. The fixation of images and sounds through video surveillance cameras, for the safety of our visitors and the people who work with us.
  5. To exercise your ARCO rights, and/or to revoke your consent and/or to limit the use of your personal data.




The personal data that EJBHV collects from you will be used for different primary purposes:


  1. To identify, contact and locate you, as well as to register you in databases and files.
  2. To require you to comply with the obligations contracted by you with the Responsible.
  3. To register you so that you may participate in the training necessary for the development of the Responsible Party’s events.
  4. For the development of the work or service relationship and the necessary communication between you and the Data Controller.
  5. To use your image, including portrait, voice or name on the occasion of our dynamics, events, promotions, contests, training and for the recording of testimonials and videos related to the Responsible and the products and services purchased, including for the use of your personal file.


EJBHV will also use the personal data collected for secondary purposes:


  1. The recording of images and sounds through video surveillance cameras, for your safety and that of the people who visit us.
  2. The taking of photographs of you for any internal use of the Responsible related to the event, including the use of your image in advertising of the products and services we offer.
  3. To conduct internal studies about our events.
  4. Conducting surveys on EJBHV products and services.





For the purposes outlined in this Privacy Notice, we may collect your personal data in different ways: when you provide it to us directly; when you visit our websites, or use our services, or if you use our social networks, and when we obtain information through other sources that are permitted by law.


We collect your personal data directly when you provide it to us yourself by various means, such as when you submit your contact information through the website or when you want to be part of our partner program.


Listed below are the personal data that will be collected by the Responsible:




  1. a) Identification data.
  2. b) Contact information.
  3. c) Occupation.
  4. d) Personal tastes and consumption preferences.
  5. e) Potential tenants to whom the corresponding notice applies, which is attached hereto, called “Privacy Notice – Leasing”.




  1. a) Identification data.
  2. b) Contact information.
  3. c) Data related to your capacity, ability and schooling that allow you to perform the activities of the company.


In case you are going to enter into a lease contract with the Responsible, you must sign the annex called “Privacy Notice – Leasing”, since the Responsible will collect, in addition to the data indicated herein, different financial and patrimonial data that require a different treatment.




In addition to the exercise of ARCO rights established in this document, in order for you to limit the use and disclosure of your Personal Data only for marketing, advertising or commercial prospecting purposes, we offer you the option to limit the use or disclosure of your personal data or revoke your consent for the processing of personal data, free of charge, at any time.


If you wish to limit the use or disclosure of the personal data you have provided to us, please send an e-mail to the address established for the Personal Data Department addressed to the head of the department Beatriz Eugenia Herrera Vaca (Personal Data Manager) or contact directly to said officer by dialing (55) 5554160186.


Your communication must be acknowledged by us in order to be valid.


It is important for you to know that you may at any time exercise the rights set forth in this notice; however, certain personal data may be exempt from limitation, access, rectification, cancellation or opposition in accordance with the Law; for example, the obligation to maintain certain information required by the Tax Administration Service (SAT) or labor obligations with employees, when they exist.


Also, you should consider that for certain purposes, the revocation of your consent, the limitation or opposition to the use of certain data or the cancellation of these, will imply that we cannot maintain with you the legal relationship that gave rise to the processing of your data.




We commit ourselves at all times to establish, maintain and protect your personal data with legal, technological and administrative security measures, used by us, against damage, loss, alteration, destruction or unauthorized use, access or processing of your personal data, as well as to implement a strict confidentiality system regarding them, and to inform you immediately of any breach of such security measures and / or confidentiality, whenever they significantly affect your economic or moral rights.


Likewise, we commit that the affiliates, subsidiaries, controlling company and/or any third party duly contracted or to be contracted, with clauses of confidentiality of information and data protection of third parties, know this Privacy Notice, maintain in the treatment and rules for the transfer of your personal data, the security and confidentiality measures indicated by the Law, and in the specific case of personal data, to make this Privacy Notice known to the persons, institutes and/or public and/or private, national or foreign organizations to whom such data is provided, in compliance with legal obligations, so that they are also responsible for its treatment and maintain the security and confidentiality measures indicated.




You have the right to access your personal data, in possession of the Responsible and the details of the treatment of the same, as well as, to rectify them in case of being inaccurate or incomplete, cancel them when you consider that they are not required for any of the purposes indicated in this Privacy Notice, are being used for non-consensual purposes or the contractual or service relationship has ended, or to oppose the treatment of the same for specific purposes. The above may be done with our Personal Data Manager, in writing.


The Data Controller will respond to your request in writing, accompanying it with the necessary documents by means of simple copies and/or digital media and/or optical media and/or sound media and/or visual and/or holographic media.


Likewise, you will have a period of 5 (five) business days to express your refusal in relation to the processing of your data with respect to the purposes that you consider are not necessary for the purposes stated in this Privacy Notice or with respect to the legal relationship between you and the Responsible, when this Privacy Notice is not made known to you directly or personally.


The mechanism that has been implemented for the exercise of such rights is:


  1. The owner of the information or his legal representative, if applicable, shall submit to the office of the Personal Data Manager, at the address designated by the Data Controller in this Privacy Notice, in original and copy, the corresponding request to exercise any or some of the rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition (ARCO) of your personal data, as well as, the limitation of the use and disclosure of the data and its transfer.
  2. The Personal Data Manager will receive and review that the request and accompanying documentation is complete, acknowledging receipt of the copy of the request.
  3. The Personal Data Protection Manager will determine whether or not the request is admissible or inadmissible within a period not to exceed 20 (twenty) business days from the date on which the request was received. The Personal Data Protection Manager will make available to the applicant, in writing, the corresponding determination through the means requested by the holder, or in case of omission, at the Privacy Offices where the holder submitted the request.
  4. In the event that the request made by the owner of the information is appropriate, the Personal Data Protection Manager will make the changes within 15 (fifteen) business days following the date on which the corresponding determination was communicated to the owner.


Your request must contain the information indicated in the Law itself and in free writing.


Your request must be accompanied by:


  1. The documents proving your identity, such as voter’s credential, passport or any other official identification in force.
  2. The power of attorney that accredits the legal representation of the holder, when acting through a representative.
  3. Any other document that facilitates the location of the personal data.
  4. Any document that justifies your request.


For further information, please contact the Personal Data Protection Manager at the telephone number and/or e-mail address indicated at the beginning of this Privacy Notice.




We inform you that your personal data may be transferred, published and processed, through any means, by all those companies of the same corporate group, subsidiaries, affiliates or related to EJBHV that operate under the same principles and internal policies as EJBHV or any of its employees, representatives, managers, and/or suppliers or third parties that provide services to EJBHV.


The Data Controller, its affiliated companies, employees, representatives, officers, and/or suppliers may process your personal data for financial, legal, administrative, advertising and/or statistical purposes.


In addition to the above, the Responsible may exclusively transfer contact data to service providers necessary for the act to be generated, whether the lease of a property, the sale or any act related to the activities of the Responsible, being able to be among others, notaries public, appraisers, Architects, engineers, lawyers, accountants and / or tax experts.


If you do not express your opposition to the transfer of your personal data, it will be understood that you have given your consent to do so, with the understanding that you may express your opposition at any time.


We inform you that we will not transfer your personal information to third parties without your consent, except for the exceptions provided in the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals.




We reserve the right to make changes or updates to this Privacy Notice at any time, in order to comply with new legislation, internal policies or new requirements for the provision or offering of our services or products.


These modifications will be available to the public through any of the following means: (i) visible announcements in our stores or customer service centers; (ii) circulars available in our stores or customer service centers; (iii) on our website; and/or (iv) we may notify the last e-mail address you have provided us. The aforementioned in a term no longer than 15 (fifteen) business days after the corresponding modification or update.




We inform you that we may use your email address to be in contact with you, send you information about our operations, advertising information about our products, services, promotions, communications and/or any other information related to the services provided by the Responsible, in case you do not want to receive this type of information via email, you can revoke your consent at any time to send the information following the procedure detailed in this notice.


You are hereby informed that such information may be managed by a third party determined by the Responsible Party, who will comply with the applicable legal provisions.




With the granting of your tacit or express consent and/or with the non-opposition to this Privacy Notice, you agree to hold harmless the Responsible, its affiliates, subsidiaries and/or controlling company, companies of the same corporate group, as well as its employees, representatives, managers and/or any third party – duly contracted or to be contracted with confidentiality clauses of information and data protection of third parties, whether domestic or foreign, from any lawsuit or claim that is filed or attempted to be filed against you by virtue of the collection, processing and transfer of the personal data provided.




If you believe that your right to protection of personal data has been harmed by any conduct of our employees or our actions or responses, you presume that in the processing of your personal data there is any violation of the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, you may submit your question, complaint or complaint to the Manager of Personal Data Protection Beatriz Eugenia Herrera Vaca to email and / or to the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data, for more information visit


We commit to treat them under the strictest security measures that guarantee their confidentiality.


In accordance with the provisions of the Law, we require your express consent for the processing of your personal data, so that by providing the personal data necessary for EJBHV to provide the services for which it was hired and / or perform their primary or secondary activities for the marketing of real estate, will be understood expressly consented to the handling of such personal data.




OCTOBER 6, 2023



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